Wednesday, March 18, 2020

How to Overcome College Student Homesickness

How to Overcome College Student Homesickness Being homesick in college is more common than most students want to admit. With these 5 tips, however, dealing with it can be a little easier. Call home. This may sound like common sense, but it can really help. The key factor, however, is not to call home all of the time. Dont call more than once a day, and keep the conversation positive. But if you miss your friends, family, boyfriend, or girlfriend, giving them a call can sometimes help ease the heartache. Go visit home once. Visiting home can be a great way to recharge yourself and get some of that TLC (not to mention home cooking) that you need. But going home too often can frequently make homesickness worse. Let yourself go home when you need it, but make sure it doesnt turn into an every-weekend occurrence. Go out with your college friends. Sometimes, a night out with your college friends can do wonders for homesickness. It can take your mind off of things back home, can help you relax and have a good time, and can reinforce relationships that will make your school feel like home sometime soon. Call a friend from back home. Chances are that your group of friends sp read out as each of you went to different colleges. And chances are that your group of friends is missing each other. Give a friend from home a call and catch up for a little while. It may do wonders for your homesickness to just touch base for a quick phone call. Get out of your room. Its incredibly easy to hide in your room in college. But doing so prevents you from meeting new people, trying new things, and experiencing college life in general. You didnt go to school to hide in your room, right? Make sure to spend large chunks of your time out of your room even if its just at a campus coffee shop, the quad, or the library and get your mind on other things. You never know what might happen, but you do know that it wont happen if youre alone in your room all the time.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Learning He, She, or It in English

Learning He, She, or It in English English grammar states that people are referred to as he or she and that all other objects are referred to as it in the singular or they in the plural. In many languages, such as French, German, Spanish, etc. objects have gender. In other words, things are referred to as he or she. English students quickly learn that all objects are it, and are probably happy because they dont have to learn the gender of each object. I live in a house. Its in the countryside.Look at that window. Its broken.I know thats my book because it has my name on it. He, She or It With Animals When referring to animals we run into a problem. Should we refer to them as he or she? When speaking about animals in English use it. However, when speaking about our pets or domesticated animals, its common to use he or she. Strictly speaking, animals should always take it, but native speakers generally forget this rule when speaking about their own cats, dogs, horses or other domestic animals. My cat is so friendly. Shell say hi to anyone who comes to visit.My dog loves running. When I take him to the beach, he runs for hours and hours.Dont touch my lizard, he bites people he doesnt know! Wild animals, on the other hand, usually take it when spoken about in a general way. Look at the hummingbird. Its so beautiful!That bear looks like its very strong.The zebra in the zoo looks tired. It just stands there all day long. The Use of Anthropomorphism Anthropomorphism - Noun: The attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object. You often hear wild animals referred to as he or she in documentaries. Wildlife documentaries teach about the habits of wild animals and describe their lives in ways humans can understand. This type of language is referred to as an anthropomorphism. Here are some examples: The bull stands his ground challenging anyone to a fight. He surveys the herd looking for a new mate. (bull - male cow)The mare protects her foal. She keeps a look out for any intruder. (mare - female horse / foal - baby horse) Anthropomorphism is also used with some vehicles such as cars and boats. Some people refer to their car as she, while sailors commonly refer to ships as she. This use of she with some cars and boats is probably due to the intimate relationship people have with these objects. Many people spend hours with their cars, while sailors can spend most of their lives aboard ships. They develop a personal relationship with these objects and give them human traits: anthropomorphism. Ive had my car for ten years. Shes part of the family.The ship was launched twenty years ago. Shes sailed around the world.Toms in love with his car. He says shes his soul mate! Nations In formal English, especially in older written publications nations are often referred to with the feminine she. Most people use it in modern times. However, its still quite common to come across the use of she in more formal, academic or sometimes patriotic settings. For example, some patriotic songs in the USA contain feminine references. The use of she, her and hers is common when speaking about a country someone loves. Ah France! Her bountiful culture, welcoming people and amazing cuisine always call me back!Old England. Her strength shines through any test of time.(from Song) ... bless America, land that I love. Stand beside her, and guide her ...